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Supplier Account

Respond to customer requests
RCD & FMD tool access
Material risk database
30 day free trial
329 Euros per year for Authorised Individual
Free for companies with turnover less than 3 million Euros
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Join over 13,000 users in BOMcheck's efficient and cost-effective supply chain data communication network.

Keep up-to-date with new substance regulations, respond to customer requests with Regulatory Compliance Declarations (RCDs) and comprehensive, auto-update Full Materials Declarations (FMDs).

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Regulatory Compliance Declaration (RCD) Tools

BOMcheck saves time and cost for suppliers. The Regulatory Compliance Declarations (RCD) tool includes expert regulatory guidance on all substances which are restricted or declarable for hardware products by regulations in North America, Europe and Asia Pacific. But we don’t just list the Regulations. BOMcheck provides detailed practical guidance on where these substances can be found in materials or parts of hardware products, and any exemptions that apply. This saves time and costs for suppliers because if you know where to look for restricted and declarable substances, then you can reduce your sample testing costs. If the BOMcheck guidance and ‘quick fill statements’ indicate that a substance is not found in your parts (for example, because the substance is used as a plasticizer and your parts do not contain plasticizers) then you should follow the guidance and claim compliance for your parts for this substance. You should only consider sample testing for substances which the guidance indicates are likely to be found in your parts.

You can choose to make your RCDs confidential to certain customers.

BOMcheck notifies you when new substances become regulated and explains how the requirements apply to hardware products. So you don’t need to spend time and effort to keep on top of the Regulations. You will receive an email from BOMcheck that will tell you what the new Regulatory requirements are, how they affect your products and what actions you need to take. You can login to BOMcheck to update your declarations for these new substances, and make any other changes to the RCD or the parts list.

You will need to update each RCD every 6 months when more substances are added to the REACH Candidate List and other regulatory requirements. That is why Philips and other leading OEMs encourage you to make a Full Materials Declaration (FMD) because then you do not need to update your declaration. BOMcheck uses your FMD to re-calculate an RCD for your parts when the list of regulated and declarable substances changes. You can choose to make the FMD confidential to certain customers and allow other customers only to see the RCD which BOMcheck calculates from your FMD.

Full Materials Declaration (RCD) Tools

Philips and other leading OEMs encourage you to make a Full Materials Declaration (FMD) because then you do not need to update your declaration every six months when more substances are added to the REACH Candidate List and other regulatory requirements. A FMD provides the % weight of each individual material in the part and the % weight of each substance which is intentionally added to each material (i.e. no need to declare impurities in the material). For example, a FMD for a PVC coated copper wire will contain two materials – the PVC coating and the copper wire. The PVC coating will include all intentionally added substances (e.g. stabilisers, plasticisers, flame retardants etc).

BOMcheck uses your FMD to re-calculate an RCD for your parts when the list of regulated and declarable substances changes. The FMD tool includes over 524,000 chemical names, synonyms and trade names that you can choose from. BOMcheck shows you whether each substance is currently restricted or declarable or is included in an industry list such as GADSL, JIG, CMR Category 1 or 2, or ESIS PBT or vPvBT.

You can choose to make the FMD confidential to certain customers and allow other customers only to see the RCD which BOMcheck calculates from your FMD. For example, a plastics manufacturer can choose to allow certain customers to see the FMD for the plastic, but only allow other companies (e.g. the moulders) to see the RCD that BOMcheck calculates for the plastic.

Restricted and Declarable Substance List

BOMcheck's Substance List's and Other Resources

Supplier Authorised Individual and DUNS number

A supplier who wishes to join BOMcheck must appoint an Authorised Individual with authority to generate substance declarations on the database. The Authorised Individual completes the online application form and sends a signed copy to BOMcheck.

The application form must include a valid DUNS number. This unique nine-digit DUNS identification number is used to identify legitimate, registered businesses. You can look up the DUNS number for your business, or apply for a new DUNS number, by contacting Dun & Bradstreet at www.dnb.com

BOMcheck will check the DUNS number to verify that the supplier is a registered business, validate the identity and e-mail address of the Authorised Individual and create an electronic signature for the Authorised Individual. This electronic signature will be attached to all substance declarations that the Authorised individual generates on the database.

BOMcheck stores the substance declaration data using the unique combination of the supplier part number and supplier DUNS number. If two or more suppliers use the same part number, BOMcheck uses the DUNS numbers to identify the substance declarations for each of these part numbers individually.

Larger suppliers may wish to appoint several Authorised Individuals to make declarations for the same range of supplier part numbers, for example, to share the workload or provide cover when one person is on holiday or off sick. In this case, each Authorised Individual must register using the same DUNS number when they set up their account on BOMcheck and confirm their own unique electronic signature.

Several Authorised Individuals can register using the same supplier DUNS number

DO NOT allow several Authorised Individuals to register using different DUNS numbers if they will make declarations for the same range of supplier part numbers.

Electronic Signatures

Title 21 CFR Part 11 of the US Code of Federal Regulations became effective on 20 August 1997 and defines criteria under which the FDA accept: "electronic records and electronic signatures as trustworthy, reliable and equivalent to paper records and handwritten signatures executed on paper"

To ensure that a supplier's electronic records stored on BOMcheck comply with Title 21 CFR Part 11 requirements, there need to be two types of controls in place:

  • Administrative and procedural controls which must be implemented and maintained by the supplier. These administrative and procedural controls are contained in the BOMcheck Member Rules for Suppliers. Failure to comply with these Member Rules can result in termination of the Membership by BOMcheck.
  • Technical controls which are provided by the BOMcheck database.

The document below explains these two types of control in detail, and how compliance with the Supplier Member Rules ensures that a Supplier's electronic records comply with Title 21 CFR Part 11 requirements, and are equivalent to paper records with handwritten signatures executed on paper.

Electronic Records and Signatures: Compliance with Title 21 CFR Part 11 Requirements

Member Rules

Read our Member Rules in full here

Create a Supplier Account

A supplier who wishes to join BOMcheck must appoint an Authorised Individual with authority to generate substance declarations on the database. The Authorised Individual must complete the online application form below and send a signed copy to BOMcheck.

The application form must include a valid DUNS number. This unique nine-digit DUNS number is used to identify legitimate. registered businesses.

Your company should already have a DUNS number for your registered business address. You can find out your DUNS number by contacting Dun & Bradstreet at www.dnb.com.

If you do not already have a DUNS number and need to create a new one. then they should use a registered business address. In this case. Dun & Bradstreet can access the information they need about your business to create a new DUNS number for you. Note: If you do not use a registered business address then Dun & Bradstreet needs to gather information about your business and may charge you for this. You do not need to establish a D&B Credit File (Dun & Bradstreet will charge you a fee for this additional service). Instead. you should specify to Dun & Bradstreet that you want them only to create a DUNS number for your company.

BOMcheck provides free annual membership of BOMcheck for small suppliers with a total turnover of less than 3.000.000 Euros per year. To apply for free annual membership. the supplier must provide a signed statement to their manufacturing customer stating that the supplier's total annual turnover in the previous year was less than 3.000.000 Euros. The manufacturing customer then forwards this statement to BOMcheck with a note confirming that the company is one of their suppliers. The supplier can repeat this process each year to renew their free annual membership.

Create a Supplier Account