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SCIP S2S Integration

Siemens Healthineers uses BOMcheck to automatically submit our product dossiers to the ECHA SCIP database for all our 28 legal entities across Europe, under the management of our parent company Siemens Healthineers AG. BOMcheck enables Siemens Healthineers to reuse submissions made by our suppliers for their component parts in BOMcheck. We recommend BOMcheck as a practical and cost-effective solution for our suppliers to meet legal obligations.

Image of Siemens Mario

Mario Wägemann
Global Head of Product Environmental Protection & Compliance
Siemens Healthineers AG


How do you meet SCIP reporting requirements and gather data across complex supply chains for every product you place on the market for an ever-growing list of substances?

SCIP is the database for information on Substances of Concern In articles as such or in complex objects (Products) established under the 2018 revision to the Waste Framework Directive. From 5 January 2021, all companies in the EU are obligated to submit information into the SCIP database for any products they supply which include articles that contain REACH Candidate List substances above 0.1%, with possible subsequent enforcement by Member State regulatory authorities.

Reporting requirements apply to all companies in the supply chain including original article suppliers, suppliers of sub-assemblies and assemblies that contain affected articles, suppliers of finished products that contain affected articles, and resellers and distributors who supply finished products.

What are the risks?

The SCIP database, as part of the Waste Framework Directive, requires the Member States to implement the requirements into their national laws and carry out any enforcement activities. Alongside this, the EU Market Surveillance regulation aims to harmonise the enforcement process and actions between Member States.


BOMcheck's Automated SCIP S2S Solution

BOMcheck's S2S SCIP solution can manage data collection from your supply chain, roll-up supplier part data to create product assemblies, and automatically generate and submit thousands of SCIP dossiers for all affected product assemblies and complex objects to the SCIP database via System-to-System (S2S) integration.

You can use BOMcheck to update and resubmit your product assemblies automatically when your suppliers update their parts data, for example when new substances are added to the REACH Candidate List every six months.

Phasing out SVHC's

Anytime that one of your suppliers updates the declaration for a component in one of your products, BOMcheck will automatically create and submit an updated dossier to the SCIP database. This means that regulators, NGO's and consumers will always have access to the most up-to-date information about your products.

Parent company can submit on behalf of all group companies

BOMcheck enables one company to submit data on behalf of another company on a voluntary or contractual basis, under the legal responsibility of the company concerned. This solution is useful for companies within a corporate group where the parent company wishes to submit data on behalf of its daughter companies, and for voluntary arrangements between companies (e.g. a brand owner submitting on behalf of a full and closely controlled supply chain). BOMcheck can arrange for the parent company to share their products dossiers directly with all companies within a corporate group, and for all companies in the group to automatically submit the same products dossiers to the SCIP database. BOMcheck can automatically update any submissions on behalf of all companies in the group when suppliers update information for any supplier parts in any products.

Reusing submissions from suppliers

BOMcheck captures the SCIP numbers for supplier parts and includes them in companies' submissions for their products. BOMcheck also reports SCIP numbers in IPC-1752B XML files so that companies can reuse suppliers' parts SCIP numbers in assemblies that companies create for their products in in-house IT systems.

Without this solution, companies would need to create duplicate article submissions for supplier parts in their products that contain REACH Candidate List substances, including reporting

  • correct Article Category and the Material Category for each supplier part
  • correct safe use information for each supplier part

Companies that prefer not to take on obligations to report information on behalf of their suppliers will appreciate the opportunity to reuse their suppliers' submissions instead. Reusing submissions from suppliers will also be welcomed by distributors. BOMcheck can map the distributors' parts numbers to the suppliers' part numbers and use the SCIP submission numbers to make a simplified notification to the ECHA SCIP database on behalf of the distributor. When the supplier updates their information, the distributors submissions are automatically updated.

SCIP S2S Costs

BOMcheck provides an affordable SCIP S2S solution for all companies in your supply chain, our costs are based on the total annual business turnover. We use the Dun & Bradstreet service (www.dnb.com) to verify the total annual business turnover for the company.

Our costs include registering the parent company, and all companies in the group, as Legal Entities with ECHA. We use your registered business addresses and authorised individuals in each country to register each Legal Entity with ECHA and to store the Legal Entity S2S keys in BOMcheck. We test the S2S integration is set up correctly for the parent company, and all companies in the group, and inform you when the integrations are in production mode and are ready for use.

Contact us for a SCIP S2S Demo and Quotation Now
FastTrack SCIP Compliance

Minimise the market risk to your business and avoid reputational harm by following our fast-track process developed by working closely with complex manufacturers. The process is designed to help your company become compliant whilst reducing the burden on your company's resources and time.