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BOMcheck's Guide to SCIP

June 16th, 2021
Imogen Thumbnail

Imogen Wild, June 16th, 2021

Imogen is the BOMcheck Substance Compliance Platform Manager and graduated from the University of Nottingham with an MSc (Hons) in Chemistry.

SCIP is the database for information on Substances of Concern In articles as such or in complex objects (Products) established under the 2018 revision to the Waste Framework Directive. From 5 January 2021, all companies in the EU are obligated to submit information into the SCIP database for any products they supply which include articles that contain REACH Candidate List substances above 0.1%, with possible subsequent enforcement by Member State regulatory authorities.

Reporting requirements apply to all companies in the supply chain including original article suppliers, suppliers of sub-assemblies and assemblies that contain affected articles, suppliers of finished products that contain affected articles, and resellers and distributors who supply finished products.

What are the risks?

The SCIP database, as part of the Waste Framework Directive, requires the Member States to implement the requirements into their national laws and carry out any enforcement activities. Alongside this, the EU Market Surveillance regulation aims to harmonise the enforcement process and actions between Member States.

Download the Guide

The BOMcheck team have produced a guide to SCIP which provides information on provisions for the SCIP database, duty holder obligations, data requirements, dossier submissions and your options for compliance.